Amber Campbell
Independent Senior Sales Director
- Joined Mary Kay: September 1989
- Director Debut: September 1992
- Prior to Mary Kay: Travel Agent & Navy Wife
Accolades: National Area Miss Go Give twice; Company Monthly Miss Go Give, February 2011; $300 Unit Club, $350 Unit Club 8 times, earned 14 Career Cars with Mary Kay, (3 cars in 1 year, Chevy Jimmy, Ford Mustang to current fluffy Pink Cadillac AKA The PINKSTER)
Family: Husband Mark (married 27 years); daughter Brianne, 25 (married 4/13); son-in-love Brad, 25; & son Austin, 21. Brianne was 5 months old when I joined Mary Kay and I was pregnant with Austin earning first Mary Kay car. He was born 1 week after I became a brand new Sales Director.
Reason why I joined: extra money; had a happy life, but had a void within me.
What I love most: The personal growth and being able to help other women grow into their God given greatness & discover their dreams and passion. Also the things my children have caught by having a Mary Kay Momma (goal setting, confidence, people skills, etc). Thank you Mary Kay!
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